“ Imagination to Existance ”


We have developed a couple of Bungalow plans and interior designs for clients from Pune and also from all over Maharashtra in the past 11 years of our existence. Now our endeavor is towards dedicating our work in designing Bungalows which are to be built and in detailing them well so that they suit our clients' needs perfectly.
We intend to deliver the best architectural designs & drawings to our customers so that they can build their homes with ease. Our sincere effort is there in keeping up with the functional and aesthetic appeal of the house so a generous amount of time is spent for each and every project.

- some of major work in bungalow and interior
  • A bunglow of Mr. Shantaram shivale, with plot area 2 acer build up area 6000 sq ft with all other development
  • Meditation hall, Maha Ganpati Mandir ranjagao sansthan 1500 sqft